Caryl exorcises 624 books in five weeks

Plans were underway for Caryl to exhibit thirteen “Exorcism of Page 13” collages at the Everhart Museum in Scranton when the curator realized that she’d made a serious mistake–Caryl’s existing collages didn’t meet the show’s criteria because they included pages from magazines. It was blow for Caryl to learn that, in order to participate, she’d have to create thirteen new works–using only books–in five weeks. Finding the 624 books to exorcise was daunting, but she accomplished the task without harming a single library book. Come and see!

“Between the Covers: Altered Books in Contemporary Art”
curated by Sarah Tanguy
February 5 – June 6, 2016

Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science and Art
1901 Mulberry Street
Scranton, Pennsylvania